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Bob's Stuff
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Melkhior’s Mansion
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Achievement unlocked!
March 20, 2025
Bob's Stuff
As of about 5:50am last Tuesday morning (yes, I code at odd hours) I've finished all the required game code - meaning that it should be possible to complete each character's quest without any issues a...
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All tickety boo!
February 20, 2025
Bob's Stuff
Craig is doing some bespoke graphics, Alberto is working on the AY-sound, Richard is answering questions, and I'm managing to spend an hour or so a day on the code, so everything is all tickety-boo! (...
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Year in review...
January 04, 2025
Bob's Stuff
Long time no see and all that, and 2025 already. At the start of 2024 I decided to myself that this game would either live or die at the end of the year - either I'd manage to make good progress and b...
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<Insert specifics here>
June 02, 2024
Bob's Stuff
I've been up to lots of things in the world of Melkhior's recently - rather too many to keep track of to be honest. One thing of note which was recently added though is that, like the original version...
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Eek! Monsters!!
April 20, 2024
Bob's Stuff
Sorry, bit overdue with this. Been meaning to write for a while, but kept making more changes and so pushing it back. Anyway, here now. For some years now - pretty much since I first got the game runn...
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February 24, 2024
Bob's Stuff
After getting all the bullet collisions working correctly, I moved onto the actual bullet logic itself. Not that any of the characters have anything like that - they have axes, and orbs, and magical o...
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An apology...
February 14, 2024
Bob's Stuff
Sorry, but I've just been playing the PC version and realise that I've given the player an extra life in my conversion. Fixed now. Sorry in advance for any additional frustration that this will cause...
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Eats, Shoots, and Crashes...
February 04, 2024
Bob's Stuff
Due to illness the last month in 2023 was a bit of a write-off dev. wise, but I've been getting back into the swing of things lately and making good progress in a number of areas of the game. The majo...
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AY-up & leaving the nest
November 25, 2023
Bob's Stuff
Being a 128K-only game means that, really, it must have some good music & SFX, given the AY chip available in all the 128K machines. Personally I'm terrible at music & SFX, but luckily I've two major...
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The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
September 16, 2023
Bob's Stuff
So, long time no see eh? I had meant to write another update on the progress of Melkhior's Mansion in January, then April, then May, then July... you get the idea, but something always managed to get...
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Summer-cleaning the frontend
August 03, 2022
Bob's Stuff
As the keen-eyed amongst you might have spotted, I've updated the project page with some newer images for the game's menu screens. Originally I was trying to stick to the template used by the isometri...
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June 07, 2022
Bob's Stuff
Real Life (tm) has meant that I've been on hiatus from any home coding since late January - real life will always take priority over all of this. The most recent build of Melchior's is from the 29th o...
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Fully-furnished (-1)
July 15, 2021
Bob's Stuff
Reached a milestone recently - every* room in the mansion is now furnished! I've always been a bit anxious about this, worried that it'd be out of memory before I reached this point, and I didn't real...
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Could've been in contention...
July 02, 2021
Bob's Stuff
Ah, the joys of hardware revisions... Without a doubt, if there wasn't a 128K version of the Spectrum then I would no longer be writing this game. I had great hopes when I started on this dream conver...
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Soft furnishings
June 08, 2021
Bob's Stuff
Another long pause in the dev. log - Sorry! - but it's recently been difficult to juggle work & home life with that of a retro-game developer. There's also a strange psychological block in that I've b...
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Spring Clean!
March 24, 2021
Bob's Stuff
Long time no see, and all that! Sorry, I've been meaning to update this dev. log for a while now, but haven't quite found the time what with everything else going on. Oh well, here we are now. So it's...
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Week 106
December 21, 2020
Bob's Stuff
The layout of the map is now up-to-date with the PC version, and all the chests and collectable objects can now be found where they should be. This means you can run around the whole mansion as any o...
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Weeks 103-105
December 14, 2020
Bob's Stuff
Sorry for the long pause since the last update, but I didn't get a lot of time to work on the game until recently. I did manage to get the player death sequence into the game though, and those 25 col...
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Week 102
November 23, 2020
Bob's Stuff
With the rewrite of the graphic system complete and working again I thought it best to get back to actually writing the game - and by that I mean the actual game-play elements of it. Pretty much sinc...
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Weeks 100-101
November 17, 2020
Bob's Stuff
Progress continues... It didn't make much sense to me to write a piece last week, as the game was totally broken with nothing to be shown whilst I continued on the re-write of the graphic system. The...
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Week 99
November 02, 2020
Bob's Stuff
Not much progress this week - quite the opposite in fact, as whilst trying to add the graphics for the new Ghost enemy (as seen in the PC demo recently made available) I ran out of memory! I haven't...
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Week 98
October 25, 2020
Bob's Stuff
Not a lot of progress this week unfortunately. I've been lucky enough not to have been furloughed by all this COVID, so am still working full-time, and sadly the real-world has also thrown a few curv...
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Week 97
October 19, 2020
Bob's Stuff
So that's the beeper sound effects sorted. Not completely, but enough for me to be sure that the system works and sounds good, and that there shouldn't be any problems with adding those that remain...
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Week 96
October 12, 2020
Bob's Stuff
This week has been all about sound. With my ZX81 games I don't need to worry about sound, but for the ZX Spectrum - and especially the 128K hardware with its AY chip - there's no escaping it, Luckil...
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Week 95
October 04, 2020
Bob's Stuff
Yes, week 95! I've been making regular backups of the progress of this game, and the first backup is from the 8th December 2018. It really doesn't look much like anything though, and was a branch fr...
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September 25, 2020
Bob's Stuff
Testing... Testing... 1... 2... 3... A quick ‘hello!’ and welcome to the first dev. log entry for updates and progress to the wonderful Melkhior’s Mansion game, which I’m converting to the hum...
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