All tickety boo!

Craig is doing some bespoke graphics, Alberto is working on the AY-sound, Richard is answering questions, and I'm managing to spend an hour or so a day on the code, so everything is all tickety-boo! (I'll politely skip over the times I've broken one aspect of the game whilst fixing or expanding another)

I maintain a briefly-worded "to-do" list about the game on my phone, split into various sections - "to do", "extensions", "bugs", and "done". Currently there are 4 items to do, 4 extensions, 2 bugs, and 131 things ticked-off as done. If I can tick one more of the to do items I make the game technically complete - in so far as you could choose any of the four playable characters and successfully complete their individual quest.

I've also updated the images on the main store page, so you can now see the "new" (to the Spectrum version) graphics for the main door out of the castle. Since it's been in the game it's been the version from the very beginning, but that was long since replaced on main PC version. Craig kindly mangled it around to fit the Speccy's reduced resolution, and it does look rather lovely I must say.


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Inspiring work Bob! VERY much looking forward to playing this game. Well done my friend!